TRIESCHconsult Odoo-Version 12.0-20221012

Information zu TRIESCHconsult Odoo-Instanz , der Open Source ERP.

Installierte Anwendungen

Subscription Management
Subscription Management in Odoo facilitates the creation of subscription-based products in the Odoo.
Track leads and close opportunities
Enterprise Website ersteller
Organize and schedule your projects
Verwalten Sie Ihre Lager- und Logistikaktivitäten
Rechnungen & Zahlungseingänge
Vom Angebot bis zur Rechnung
Verkaufen Sie ihre Produkte Online
Bestellungen, Angebote und Vereinbarungen
Zentralisierung von Mitarbeiterinformationen
Account Credit Control
Bureaucrat Helpdesk Lite
Help desk
Bureaucrat Knowledge
Bureaucrat Knowledge
Bureaucrat Knowledge Related Documents
Bureaucrat Knowledge Related Documents
Bureaucrat Knowledge Website
Bureaucrat Knowledge Website
Bureaucrat Service Desk
Service Desk / Helpdesk / Requests / Tickets
Bureaucrat Service Desk Pro
Service Desk / Helpdesk / Requests / Tickets
Bureaucrat Service Desk Ultimate
Service Desk / Helpdesk / Requests / Tickets
Cloud Storage Solutions
The technical core to synchronize your cloud storage solution with Odoo
Zentralisieren Sie Ihr Adressbuch
Service Desk
Process addon for the Website Service Desk application.
Custom Fields: Core
The technical core to add new fields for Odoo documents without any special knowledge
Odoo Documentation Builder
The tool to create website documentation based on your knowledge base
Every Email Send to a Company BCC(Blank carbon copy)
Send email to a company in BCC(Blank carbon copy)
Form Builder & integration of professional and versatile Forms to collect any information you need for your business.
Generic Request
Incident management and helpdesk system - logging, recording, tracking, addressing, handling and archiving issues that occur in daily routine.
Generic Tag
Generic tag management.
Google Drive Odoo Integration
The tool to automatically synchronize Odoo attachments with Google Drive files in both ways
Urlaubsansprüche und Urlaubsanfragen verwalten
KnowSystem: Knowledge Base System
The tool to build deep and structured knowledge base for internal and external use. Knowledge System. KMS
KnowSystem: Custom Fields
The extension to KnowSystem to create custom fields
KnowSystem: Website and Portal
The extension to KnowSystem to publish articles to portal and public users
KnowSystem: Custom Fields for Website and Portal
The extension to KnowSystem to show custom fields for articles' website and portal pages
Chat, Mail-Gateway und private Kanäle
Send Message Composer
The tool to always open a full composer on the button 'Send a Message'
Message Citing
The tool to find and cite a message in Odoo email composer
Mail Messages Easy: Show all messages Show sent messages Reply to message Forward message Print messages Archive message Delete Undelete message, Quote message, Move message
Read and manage all Odoo messages in one place!
Mail Messages Easy Pro: Show Lost Message, Move Message, Reply, Forward, CC BCC Move or Delete from Chatter, Hide Messages in Chatter
Message Preview Move Edit Delete CC BCC
Umfragen erstellen und Antworten analysieren
Entwerfen, senden und verfolgen von E-Mails
Planen Sie Mitarbeiterversammlungen
Veröffentlichen Sie Blog-Posts, Ankündigungen und Neuigkeiten